Legal Entities

BDO brand is represented in Portugal by the following companies:

BDO & Associados SROC, Lda.

Avenida da República, 50 -. 10
1069 - 211 Lisbon
VAT 501 340 467
Private limited company
Capital 100 000 euros
Registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon
Statutory Auditors of the Company registered in OROC under number 29 and the CMVM under number 1122

BDO Consulting, Lda.

Rua São João de Brito, 605 E, Office 3.2
4100-455 Porto
VAT 505 275 970
Limited company Share capital 50 000 euros
Registered at the Commercial Registry of Oporto

The BDO Consulting quality system implemented at our services of Financial Advisory and Management Consultancy is certified by APCER according to the requirements of NP EN ISO 9001: 2008.

BDO Outsourcing, Serviços de Contabilidade e Organização, Lda.

Avenida da República, 52 -. 10
1069 - 211 Lisbon
VAT 503 804 797
Private limited company
Capital 50 000 euros
Registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon

BDO II Advisory, SA

Rua Marcelino Sá Pires, 15 - 4º, Room 43
4700-924 Braga
VAT 507 156 919
Joint-stock company
Capital 50 000 euros
Registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Braga